Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Aries
Weather: Perfect day for diving!
Water Temperature: 78 degrees
Dive One
Site: Paradise
Max Depth: 38 feet
Dive Time: 37 minutes
Key Animals: Squid, Scorpionfish
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: We entered Paradise reef as a training dive for Blake, trying to earn his Junior Open Water, and Jessica, working hard on overcoming her fears for her Open Water certification. Denise and Eric (mom and dad) were excited to finally have the chance to dive with their son, while Cameron was doing his first saltwater dive ever, and first dive in some 8 years, while tagging along with Jessica. Paradise was an excellent option for them. We got lucky and spotted some squid as we cut across the grass, plus spotted a Scorpionfish along the way – a chance to use out NOT OKAY hand signal with the students!
Dive Two
Site: Las Casitas
Max Depth: 40 feet
Dive Time: 43 minutes
Key Animals: Jack knife Drum, Spotted Moray
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: A nice follow-up dive for training is Playa Las Casitas. This is a wreck dive actually (more on this in a future blog) but the shallow depth proves to be a great training div while the wreck mixes things up a bit. We can usualyl find spotted morays and jack knife drums in the surrounding rubble and today was no different. The students are professing well!
Gymnothorax moringa, but more commonly know by the name of Spotted Moray Eel.
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