Salty Endeavors Boats
We own three boats, all fully legal including the coveted Cozumel Marine Park permits (Hint: More than half of the 400 boats operating in the Cozumel Marine Park are doing so illegally!). More importantly for our divers, all our boats are equiped with Emergency First Aid essentials, Emergency Medical Grade 100% Oxygen, a Marine Band VHF radio, flares, a mirror, ten (10) life jackets, one (1) throwable life ring, and of course Liability Insurance as required by Mexican law.
To ensure our boats remain lawful, the Mexican Navy subjects us to two scheduled inspections yearly, and surprise inspections at any time. This is a requirment to maintain our Marine Park Permits. If you wish, you may also request to see any of these items from our Captains at any time.
All of our boats are fast boats designed to get you out to the reef and back quickly. Where most boats in Cozumel are 1 – 1.5 hours travel time from downtown to Palancar reef, we can do this in 25 minutes on all of our boats. This allows you to get two morning dives in and still return for lunch. Or complete two afternoon dives after lunch. Doing two dives does not need to take your entire day!
Our boats have a maximum of 6 or 8 divers, plus our staff. This garantees you small groups and personalized attention. All of our boats have custom designed interiors to maximaze space and comfort.
Please note: If you have a group larger than 8 divers we have access to boats ranging in size from 10 – 40 divers. We can literally accomdoate groups of any size.

Mental Floss
This was our first boat purchased in Cozumel. Back when I (Henry, the owner) was diving as the Divemaster every day, this was our only boat. So I guess you can say it holds a special place in my heart.
Truth is, this is actually my third Mental Floss. Back when I lived in Illinois I bought my first boat when I was just 18 years old. A Rink 18-foot bowrider and it, too, was named Mental Floss. A few years later I upgraded to a larger, much nicer Crownline, which I named Mental Floss II.
Of course neither of those boats followed me to Mexico.
When we first purchase Mental Floss it was actually named Libra II by its previous owner. I quickly changed the name of the boat, which if you know anything about boats you likely also know that is considered major bad luck. Thankfully I am not superstitious, and thankfully *knocks on wood* nothing has happened to test my lack of superstition.
So where does the Mental Floss name come from? Well, if you are a Parrothead you should already know this answer. Mental Floss is the name of a Jimmy Buffett song from his Banana Wind album. And frankly, I think the name is rather fitting for a dive boat. You should mentally floss every day!
Living the Dream
This was our second boat purchased. And boy was it a piece of junk when we purchased it! As you may or may not know, what makes the boat valuable in Cozumel is the attached Marine Park Permits. The boat may not have an engine, and probably does not float, but you can expect to spend over 6 digits on the boat because these park permits (Hint: Now you see why so many illegal operators exist!).
So yeah, when we purchased Living the Dream it was orginally called Tintoterra II (Translated: Blue Shark). Again, lacking superstition I quickly renamed the boat. And while it did float, I’m not sure how! From the best that we could tell, this boat was actualy two different boats fused together. Nope, not joking. Via Mexico! We did our best for a quick repair job but after a year of service we pulled the boat from the water and completely gutted and remodeled it.
When it came time to name this boat I turned it over to my partner Ian to name. No lies, he wanted to name it Pink Dolphin. Veto! He defaulted on his choice so I passed it to Mariana to name. She came up with Living the Dream for two reasons – 1. We hear it so often from you, our divers. “You are living the dream!” and 2. I have a tendancy to reply with it as the answer to any of our clients asking me how I am doing. It took me little convincing and… Sold! We have the new boat name.

Boat Papa
This is our third, and for now our last boat. (Yes, there will be more hahaha). I decided to try something a little different with this boat. I purchased this boat brand new actually as just a shell of a hull, and then built the boat up from there. It was actually quite fun to do, but ultimately took way longer than expected.
When we discovered a crack in the hull of Living the Dream, I thought my fastest route to getting a second boat in the water would be this third boat route. Buy a new hull, finish the interior, swap permits, and off we go. Surely that will be faster than completely gutting Living the Dream and building it back like new, right? Wrong. Very wrong. Remember, this is Mexico. I keep forgetting it seems.
15 months after purchasing the hull, Boat Papa is ready for divers. Most of this time was waiting on Mexico to process paperwork. It is one of those things where you just have to sit and wait… and wait… and wait… until finally your documents come back approved.
But finally they did and I cannot be happier with the outcome of Boat Papa. It truly is a great dive boat for Cozumel waters.
It earned its name thanks to my first born child, Coral Maria. Naturally one of her very first words spoken was “papa” I think it was second right after “mama.” It wasn’t long thereafter where she picked up the word ‘boat.” At this point she was about 2 years old and when I had her around my other boats I would say “these are papa’s boats” to which she would reply “boat papa.” And then she decided every boat was my boat. Mental Floss was boat papa, Living the Dream was boat papa, every boat in our marina became boat papa. Even Carival Cruise lines became boat papa. As you might imagine, it came with great excitement that I got to inform Paul Allen that his Octopus was now mine (but I never changed its name).
Since I now owned every boat in sight of my 2yo, it only made sense to name my new boat Boat Papa.
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