Specialty Certifications

If you are looking to continue your education we offer many classes focused on specific specialty topics. Most classes require only your Open Water certification as a pre-requisite. In most cases classes can be completed in one or two days. Our recomendation is to jump on our morning boats for fun dives, then pick a specialty or two you can work on during your afternoons. 

Scuba Schools International Specialty Diver
Scuba Schools International Specialty Diver
Scuba Schools International Master Scuba Diver
  • Earn two (2) spcialty certifications plus 12 verified dives and earn your Specialty Diver Recognition card.
  • Earn four (4) specialty certifications plus 25 verified dives and earn your Advanced Open Water recognition card!
  • Earn five (5) specialty certifications including Stress & Rescue, plus log 50 verified dives and achieve your Master Scuba Diver recognition card!

Specialty Classes from both SSI and PADI offered by Salty Endeavors 




Dive Guide


Enriched Air Nitrox

Advanced Freediving

Performance Freediving


Gas Blender

Waves, Tides & Currents

Photo & Video

Equipment Techniques



React Right - EFR

Science of Diving

Search & Recovery


Stress & Rescue

Wreck - Recreational

Wreck - Advanced

Classified Diver

Cavern & Cenote


Boat Diving