Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Ray
Weather: Perfect day for diving!
Water Temperature: 79 degrees
Dive One
Site: Palancar Gardens
Max Depth: 70 feet
Dive Time: 45 minutes
Key Animals: Channel Clinging Crab
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: This afternoon we are heading to Palancar Gardens, flat bottom at only 25 ft invite us to start and adjust weights and equipment, once ready follow the reef contour to end up at 70ft surrounded by fish, passing thru a coral arch there is a crab feeding from the algae, claws were working hard trying to get as much as possible Sara took a picture, and we all enjoyed the moment, visibility was perfect, Jesse grabbed Jangmi to drift slowly together, sometimes I write how many fish we see, this time I just want to express how beautiful the coral formations is, that huge brain coral, size of a car! enjoying the seascape the dive finish at 45min, we all surfaced with a big smile.
Dive Two
Site: Cedral Wall
Max Depth: 60 feet
Dive Time: 48 minutes
Key Animals: Midnight Parrotfish, Permit, Hawksbill turtle
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: Lets go down! we all agree, and permit school swimming right underneath us, soon the first turtle shows up, then one more and more and more, seems like they love the spot and the time of the day, dusk is always good, Sarah was busy with her camera, husband Scott was just gliding and Jesse buddy up with me, having four eyes finds more stuff, we found a midnight parrot fish, we even found the Cozumel endemic splendid toad fish, just awesome! Almost 50 minutes this dive , times flies when you are having fun.
Scarus coelestinus, but more commonly know by the name of Midnight Parrotfish.
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