Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Henry / Ray
Weather: Perfect morning for diving!
Water Temperature: 79 degrees
Dive One
Site: Tikila
Max Depth: 40 feet
Dive Time: 82 minutes
Key Animals: Spotted Scorpionfish, Juvenile High Hat
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: I had the pleasure to tag along with Ray while he did some Advanced training dives with our good friend Will. We choose to head to Tikila Beach, a very popular spot for scuba training. I wanted to tag along because not only does Tikila serve as a great spot for training diver, but it is also a great spot to find the odd and interesting sand critters. I was rewarded with several spotted scorpionfish, and a very rare juvenile high hat.
Dive Two
Site: Tikila Beach
Max Depth: 40 feet
Dive Time: 71 minutes
Key Animals: Flying Gurnard, Sharptail eel
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: I debated heading back to the office and letting Ray finish up the second training dive without me, but we all know that wasn’t a hard decision to get back in the water and make the office wait for me – and I’m glad I did! A daytime sharptail eel was cpatured hunting / feeding (video coming later) and another oddball critter – a mated pair of flying gurnards (pictured above). A fantastic find! I captured several minute of them feeding and then Ray moved in close to get their defensive posture for the camera. Beautiful!
Scorpaena plumieri, but more commonly know by the name of Spotted Scorpionfish.
Pareques acuminatus, but more commonly know by the name of High Hat (juvenile color variant).
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