Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Ray
Weather: Mostly sunny blue skies. Woot!
Water Temperature: 79 degrees
Dive One
Site: Santa Rosa Wall
Max Depth: 80 feet
Dive Time: 41 minutes
Key Animals: Horse-eye Jacks, Hawksbill turtles, Splendid Toadfish
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: Flat ocean and crystal clear water, Scott family gets on board at one of the hotels in the south, 2 minutes later we are at the Santa Rosa wall, gear up! It is time to dive, Jesse backroll first, mask in the water, amazing view of the drop off wall, Jangmi slowly descends, Sarah quickly reaches 80ft and glide with the current, swim-throughs, exiting one of them there is a splendid toadfish, before another there is a turtle, once we see the shallow reef a big school of horse eye jacks, it is a fantastic dive, as always.
Dive Two
Site: Dalilah
Max Depth: 65 feet
Dive Time: 49 minutes
Key Animals: Yellow Spot Stingrays everywhere, Barracuda, Hawksbill turtle
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: When we start this dive we felt a stream of fresh water, you can tell by the sudden drop of temperature and blurry visability, it happens fast, as we descend a bit deeper everything goes back to normal conditions, Sarah is taking pictures and the turtle helps, Jangmi drifts a bit faster and then hides behind a coral head to wait for us, there is the sting ray! She points, Jesse gets closer to enjoy the view, then he points the barracuda, we found 3 turtles in the same area, one feeding , the other crossing by and the last one surfacing for a breath, that remind us we need to go up too, once at the surface we all were happy to dive together, see you guys next time.
Urobatis jamaicensis, but more commonly know by the name of Yellow Stingray or Yellow Spotted Stingray.
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