The Cozumel Port is Closed
Now what?! When foul weather arises resulting in the Cozumel Port closure, what are scuba divers to do?
I have put this page together to help our divers fully understand the what and why’s of a Cozumel Port Closure, and what options exist.
Why do the Cozumel Habors get Closed?
The Cozumel Ports are closed when the Port Captain Authority of Cozumel decides to close all harbor activities. This means boats cannot exit harbor for any reason. Any boats which are currently out at sea must return to safe anchorage in harbor immediately. This includes all tourist-based activities including, but not limited to, scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, and booze cruises. It is important to note that Salty Endeavors has no say in this decision, but must abide by it’s rule.
Why would they do this?
For starters, this is for your safety. This is a weather-related problem that can cause unsafe sea conditions which are favorable to sinking boats or losing sight of divers both underwater and at the surface. Right about now you might be looking at blue skies and thinking it is a beautiful day for scuba diving, but please do not get confused. When we discuss weather in Cozumel which cancels the diving, most often the sole cause for this is WIND. Although some days the wind might be accompanied by rain and clouds, other days will be absolutely beautiful days to explore Cozumel – from land.
How long will this last?
If we could answer this reliably, we would be working the wrong industry. Simply put, when the wind either shifts directions or calms down, resulting in calmer seas, the Port Captain will lift the restrictions. Usually this is just one or two days, but it can be longer in rare situations.
There are many fancy weather apps but we keep it simple by following the report in the widget below. Or you can view the full report using this link – Wind Finder
This is realtime data is taken offshore buoys. The winds that conerns us are north, south, and west (not east). Any steady winds in excess of 10mph is getting borderline to closing the ports. Any steady winds in excess of 15mph have no doubt closed our ports. The ports will reopen when wind speeds come back below 10mph OR shift back to our traditional eastern trade winds. Any winds from the Northeast / Southeast are questionable based upon exact wind direction and speed.
How to Read the Above Wind Report
North Wind:
When the arrow is pointing down ⇩ this means the wind is from the north. This causes large waves in the channel and hazardous conditions for scuba diving and marine navigation. Above 10mph is questionable and above 15mph is closed. It is important to note that the waves are traveling south – not east. Which means the large waves are not coming to shore. While the beach might be calm, 1 kilometer off the coast and its a wild and unsafe ride.
East Wind:
When the arrow is pointing to the left ⇦ this means we have winds from the east. This is our standard tradewinds and generally causes us no problems regardless of wind speed. East winds do not close the harbors unless accompanied by storms. The historical data we (Salty Endeavors) have over the past 10 years shows eastern tradewinds are with us 90 – 95% of the calendar year.
South Wind:
When the arrow is pointing up ⇧ this means the winds are from the south. Like north winds, this causes us concern for safety on scuba diving and marine navigation. South winds will close the harbors similar to north winds. However, due to the geography of the island sometimes a south wind allows us to depart and only dive to the north. In these cases the Port Captain will issue closures from a given point (Example: closed from Chankanaab and south).
West Wind:
When the arrow is pointing right ⇨ this means we have winds from the west. These are the most dangerous of all the winds. Marine navigation is dangerous with west winds as these winds create trailing waves that crest over our stern and rapidly sink boats. One wrong move or hesitation by the Captian and its game over. Because of this, the restrictions for west winds are often stricter than north or south winds.
So what can we do on a Cozumel Port Closure day?
There are actually several options, both diving and non-diving, of which you can partake. Let’s have a look!
Continuing Education
If the cenote diving option sounds less than ideal to your taste buds, but you still don’t want to lose a day of doing something diving related, perhaps consider doing some continueing education in scuba. There are several choices of con-ed which do not require any diving whatsoever – Enriched Air Nitrox, Equipment Specialist, Science of Diving, Boat Diving, all the Ecology programs… not to mention any of the other specialties which are diving related. Get a jump on the class by reading the textbook while at the beach!
Mainland Cenote Diving
We can gather our gear and head to the mainland and do some cenote diving! We have a few options on cenotes we can dive, but as this is usually a last minute decision, the options are most often limited to some extent. Keep in mind you are not the only Cozumel divers looking to submerge, so usually the cenotes can be crowded with divers. Additionally, keep in mind that with a Cozumel Port Closure the ferry crossing to mainland will be, shall we say… interesting???
I’m not trying to un-sell this excursion, merely paint an accurate picture. This is a long day of travel and diving, but most everyone agrees it’s better than not diving!
Non-Diving Related Excursions
There is nearly an unlimited list of adventures and excursions to take part while in Cozumel. Our blog has covered a number of land-based excursions. Day adventures like mural hunting in Cozumel (over 35 hidden across the city!), beach or beach-bar hopping, shopping on the square, the turtle rescue program (seasonal), or perhaps even a tequila tasting tour! If you consider heading to mainland Mexico you also add in many world-class adventure and theme parks.
Contact us for more information and pricing details.
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