Enriched Air Nitrox
The Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty course is an essential certification for all serious divers. It will allow you to extend the time you can spend at depth and reduce your surface interval time. It’s perfect for people who want to get the most out of a dive vacation trip where the itinerary includes several dives a day to a bunch of dives in a week or for people looking to dive that dream destination on a liveaboard.
Enriched Air Nitrox Certification
We have all been through this! You’re down on the second dive of the morning, looking at something really amazing, and suddenly you have to start ascending because your no-decompression limit time is running out. Don’t let that happen to you again! It’s time to get the Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty certification.
The Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty course will teach you how to safely plan and dive with enriched air mixtures of up to 40% oxygen. You’ll learn how to analyze a tank of Nitrox gas and why it’s important to do that before each Nitrox dive. Scuba diving with enriched air nitrox can increase your no-decompression limits, increase your safety, and reduce the required length of your surface intervals when compared to air.
Our Nitrox Specialty course can be completed through eLearning and online final exam prior to your arrival in Cozumel. Once here, we will teach you the practical aspect of analyzing a Nitrox tank before you go diving with it. There is no diving required to complete this course, but included in the course price you will get one tank of Enriched Air Nitrox to use on your next fun dive with us!
You must be at least an Open Water Diver to become a Nitrox Specialty diver. You can also combine the Enriched Air Nitrox Specialty course while you are doing your Open Water Diver course, Advance course or any other Specialty course with us.
Enriched Air Nitrox
*Dives utilizing EANx are not included.
* Prices listed are without Mexico IVA.
EANx Tuition Includes:
- All classroom materials
- Textbook
- Tutoring
- Certification processing fee
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If you have any questions or prefer to complete your reservation with asisstance just click this box to send us an email.
Typical EANx Class Schedule
- Completion of online eLearning prior to arrival
- Written exam at our facility
- Tutoring for analyzing and practical application
- Go diving with EAN32! (not included in the price of class)
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From Mexico dial 987 - 119 - 3731
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