Travel FAQ
If you do not see your question listed here please contact us and let us know. We’ll add your question to our FAQ!
Vuelo directo a Cancún. ¿Cuál es la mejor forma de llegar a Cozumel?
Pero prefiero evitar el autobús y ferry. ¿Puedo volar?
Vuelo a Cozumel, ¿Cómo llego a mi hospedaje?
Please note airport shuttles are the only transportation offered from the airport. Taxis, hotel / resort shuttles, and private individuals are not allowed to provide transportation exiting the airport. Prices listed are per person.
In Town Area (Centro) 57 peso
North Hotel Zone to Melia Maya 96 peso
South Hotel Zone to Presidente 96 peso
South Zone Fiesta Americana to Wyndam 114 peso
South Zone Allegro 115 peso
South Zone Iberostar / Occidental Grand 141 peso
¿Cuánto debo pagar por el taxi?
¿Puedo usar mi teléfono / Cómo puedo usar mi teléfono?
If your phone is “unlocked” you can get a SIM card locally from one of the many TelCel branches. If you do not speak Spanish you may wish to use the company headquarters store. Be sure to request the USA plan when setting up the SIM card. It is a free option that must be enabled by a company representative and it allows you to phone and text the USA with no additional charges.
Alternatively, there are many free app-based options including WhatsApp and Skype, but all of them require data (WiFi). You can easily get WiFi and most any restaurant or bar on the island, but obviously is not as convenient.
¿Debo traer pesos antes de llegar? ¿Qué moneda puedo gastar mientras esté ahí?
Spending money and knowing the best way / currency to do so is often tricky. Most tourist-oriented operators, ourselves included, quote prices in US dollar. In that instance it usually best to pay in US dollar. However, if a restaurant or bar tab is quoted in dollars you are best off to politely ask them for the peso amount. You will want to pay in peso when possible. If you choose to use your credit / debit card, kindly request they charge your card in peso. Your bank will calculate the exchange rate for you, which is almost certainly going to be better for you than allowing the establishment to decide the exchange rate. If you are using services away from the tourist zone expect to pay in peso only, including not being able to use a credit / debit card.
Escuché que el bloquedor solar comercial no está aprobado en el Parque Marino de Cozumel. ¿Es verdad?
¿Puede ayudar a encontrarme hospedaje?
Yes! While Salty Endeavors’ specialize in scuba diving exclusively, we have managed to build trustworthy relationships with several property management services on the island. Please view our Stay & Dive options for more information.
Prefer to call us?
Call from USA (312) 757 - 6167
From Mexico dial 987 - 119 - 3731
WhatsApp Free International text and calling +521 - 987 - 119 - 3731
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