Find Salty Endeavors at the Marina

Scroll down for Google Map, photos, and taxi information

Puerto Abrigo (or less commonly called “Marina Banco Playa” and “The North Harbor”) is where our boat, rental equipment, and satellite office are located. Our boat departs from here at the scheduled departure times, and will return here after each dive trip is complete. If you plan to meet us at the harbor for your dive trips we request you to meet us here 15 minutes prior to our scheduled departure time. If you have a rental car or scooter rest assured there is secure parking available at no additional cost.  It is best to come directly to our trailer when you first arrive into the harbor, where we can ensure you have all the equipment you need, sign waivers, and complete payment.

Salty Endeavors

Information to provide your taxi driver

Ask for the taxi to take you to “Puerto Abrigo puerta tres por el castillo y faro.” In English this says “Puerto Abrigo gate 3 by the castle and lighthouse.”

Many taxi drivers will want to drop you off at the main entrance, which is Gate 2. Getting dropped at Gate 2 will require a 5 – 10 minute walk to our boat, which of course you want to avoid. If your driver is unfamiliar with the Gate 3 entrance, perhaps telling him to pass the lighthouse and castle will assist his memory. Once you pass the lighthouse and castle you’ll turn left to enter the parking lot of the marina. Most often the taxi will enter the gated area and stop. No worries! As you enter the harbor straight ahead of you is our boat, and to your right in the gravel parking lot is our mobile office / trailer. It’s best to meet us at the trailer.

Driving to Puerto Abrigo

If you have a rental vehicle on the island, driving to Puerto Abrigo is quite quick and easy. We have provided you both with a google map pin drop location, as well as videos of the drive to the harbor. If you are staying in downtown San Miguel or any location to the south you will want to head east until you reach the waterfront road called Av. Rafael E. Melgar. From there you would need to turn right heading north and continue past the airport. If you look to the map above you will see you continue around a large bend in the road to where you’ll need to turn left entering the turnabout. Pay close attention to the map and our video in this section as it can be confusing the first time you approach the area. Your aim is for what appears on the map as a dead end. As you will see in the video you’ll drive past the lighthouse and at the end of the road enter the security gate of the harbor.  

For a complete 360 degree perspective on the drive to the harbor, please watch the below video. For reference, we begin the video in downtown San Miguel on Av. Rafael E. Melgar at the Playa del Carmen > Cozumel Passenger Ferry pier and head north from there. This is 360 degree video – you have full control of where to look in all directions. We suggest watching it the video in full screen mode, watch it once without touching controls so you get the “heads up” view, then watch a second time where you take control of the view and look around to find your landmarks. Enjoy!
