Let’s Go Diving!
Our staff is is ready to show you the amazing underwater world of Cozumel. We pride ourselves on making scuba diving in Cozumel safe, easy, and fun! Allow us to show you the magic of the Cozumel Marine Park. Palancar reef, Santa Rosa Wall, Colombia Bricks and Punta Sur… You know the names – we’ll take you there! With expert care, precision and knowledge, you can trust our staff to deliver you the lifetime of memories you expect. We offer up to 5 dives daily into the Cozumel Marine Park, enough to satisfy the driest diver. We have a flexible schedule with morning, afternoon, and evening boats available. Moring boats are reserved for certified divers only. Afternoon boats may be a mix of certified divers and students. We have multiple boats which hold a maximum of 6 or 8 divers plus staff so you can be assured you will always be in a small group of divers. They are fast boats and are completely sun shaded.
Please note if you are not currently a certified scuba diver, the excursions listed on this page are not for you. Please check out our Try Scuba program or our Open Water Scuba Diver certification program for options available to you.
We provide the following services to our Fun Diving Guests
- Pick-up downtown from over 30 available piers
- All fun diving is done within the Marine Park (unless otherwise agreed upon)
- (2) – 1 tank boat dives morning or afternoon OR (1) – 1-tank boat dive or shore dive in the evening
- Expert staff above water – All of our Captains are Cozumel natives with 20+ years each working on boats
- Expert staff below water – Divemasters each with 20 or more years exprience combining for over 50,000 dives in the Cozumel Marine Park!
- 200BAR / 3000psi Air-filled aluminum 80CF cylinders (EANx and larger/smaller cylinders available for an additional cost)
- 60 minutes or longer bottom times*
- 60-70 minute minute surface interval between dives on private beach, beach club, or restaurant (weather permitting)
- Complete setup, cylinder swap, and clean up of gear – you just show up and dive!)
- Microfiber towel for use on board the boat
- Cold water, fresh fruit, snacks on board the boat
- Shared dry bag available
- Cleaning and overnight storage of personal gear if you are diving multiple days
- Rental gear is not included but is available for an additional $20 fee.
- Nitrox is available for an additional fee of $10 per cylinder
* Longer dives times can be accommodated with advanced notice and an earlier departure time.
Nitrox Available!
Enriched Air Nitrox is available for $10 per cylinder. Reserve your cylinders at the same time you reserve your dives. We highly suggest at least two enriched air Nitrox tanks of 32% for anyone doing 4 or more dives per day. It is also encouraged to all our divers doing only 2-tanks daily to consider doing your second dive on 32% for an added margin of safety.
Not Nitrox certified?
You can start your Enriched Air Nitrox class today! We offer the eLearning class to make obtaining your Nitrox certification easy and convenient. Study in the virtual classroom during your flight down. Have the material completed prior to your arrival in Cozumel and be ready to stay at depth longer than ever before. On the boat you will complete your practical application which includes analyzing to the air mixture, making a few safety calculations, and then the fun part… DIVING NITROX!

If you are interested in booking an adventurous excursion with our certified divers. Just ring us and let us know your wishes. You can directly reach us by call. We have disclosed the numbers below-
2-tank Fun Dive
- 8am or 1:30pm Departure Available
* Prices listed are without Mexico IVA of 16%
If you have any questions or prefer to complete your reservation with asisstance just click this box to send us an email.
Night Dives!
Yes, of course we also do night dives. We can do night dives any evening upon request. With 1-2 divers we will complete the dive as a shore dive. With 3 or more divers we will depart on one of our boats. Departure time varies based on seasonal sunset patterns but generally we depart near 6pm and return near 8-8:3opm.
1-tank Night Fun Dive
6:30pm Departure
* Prices listed are without Mexico IVA of 16%
Discounts, discounts, discounts…
Salty Endeavors offers discounts on certified fun dives on a per diver basis. Five (5) or more boat trips receives a 5% discount before tax; Ten (10) or more boat trips receives a 10% discount before tax. All repeat customers will receive deeper discounts starting on dive one. Sorry, there are no discounts available for students, private charters, or night dives.
Prefer to call us?
Call from USA (312) 757 - 6167
From Mexico dial 987 - 119 - 3731
WhatsApp Free International text and calling +521 - 987 - 119 - 3731
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