Dive One
Site: Palancar Bricks
Max Depth: 80 feet
Dive Time: 55 minutes
Key Animals: Huge barrel sponges, black coral, queen angel pair
Weather: Windy
Visibility: 50 feet
Water Temp: 79 degrees
Notes: Had some fun people on the boat today. Ellie, Allan, Luke, Eddie, and Eric let us show them a day Cozumel diving! A special thanks to the gang at Y-kiki Divers in St. Louis, MO, for referring Eddie and Eric! The first dive site was , and even with limited viz (50′) it still made for a beautiful dive. Our second dive site was Santa Rosa Shallows, where
Dive Two
Site: Santa Rosa Shallows
Max Depth: 48 feet
Dive Time: 61 minutes
Key Animals: School of barracuda, eagle ray
Weather: Windy
Visibility: 80 feet
Water Temp: 79 degrees
Notes: The viz improved (80′-90′) enough to find us a spotted eagle ray foraging in the sand. The group also got a chuckle when I stuck my head under a ledge and almost kissed a green moray! That’s all for now, let’s get Salty soon!
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