Dive One
Site: Chankanaab
Max Depth: 40 feet
Dive Time: 54 minutes
Key Animals: Schools of Grunts and Jacks
Weather: The day started out perfectly
Visibility: For Chankanaab it was surprisingly good, at least over 60+ feet
Water Temp: 78. What happened to my 80?
Notes: I had Jeff and Kristy with me today. Jeff is an advanced diver in the blackwaters of Oklahoma while his girlfriend had never dove before. After a morning pool session with Kristy it was off to Chankanaab for the iconic first dive of Cozumel. It took Kristy a moment to get comfortable but she surfaced laughing and amazed and in love with her new hobby. Kristy outlasted Jeff on her air!!!!
Dive Two
Site: Yucan
Max Depth: 40 feet
Dive Time: 56 minutes
Key Animals: nurse shark, eagle ray
Weather: Overcast. Surfaced to storms in the distance
Visibility: Endless
Water Temp: 79
Notes: Kristy did so well! For her second dive ever she looked so comfortable. We even got her within 4 feet of a resting nurse shark! An eagle ray made a fly-by. A nice gentle northbound current kept us moving at a comfy pace. Yucab never disappoints. I think Kristy is sold on diving!
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