Dive One
Site: Cedral Pass
Max Depth: 56′
Dive Time: 37 minutes
Key Animals: Green moray, hawksbill turtle, octopus, nurse shark
Weather: Sunny
Visibility: 60′
Water Temp: 79 degrees
Notes: Great morning for Ray to guide Tanya and Bruce on their final trip. I started Open Water 1 and 2 with my student, Mike, from Kansas City.
Dive Two
Site: Tormentos
Max Depth: 45′
Dive Time: 56 minutes
Key Animals: 2 Nurse sharks, cubera snapper
Weather: Sunny
Visibility: 80’+
Water Temp: 80 degrees
Notes: Current was in reverse, which made it feel like a whole new dive. My student looked very comfortable water, and should be certified on Tuesday!
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