Dive One
Site: Paradise Reef
Max Depth: 40′
Dive Time: 39 Minutes
Key Animals: Spotted moray, Caribbean spiny lobster
Weather: Fantastic
Visibility: 80′ +
Water Temp: 80 degrees
Notes: I had the privilege of showing, Eric (from CA), some Cozumel diving by way of Discover Scuba Diving (DSD). Robin, Jackson, Deuce, and Donnie were also aboard, with Ray as their divemaster. After briefing and some basic skills, we headed to the main part of the reef for a scenic drift over some spectacular coral formations. Along the way, we got up close and personal watching a spotted moray in the grass!
Dive Two
Site: Yucab Reef
Max Depth: 40′
Dive Time: 46 Minutes
Key Animals: Nurse sharks, green sea turtle, spotted scorpionfish, southern stingray
Weather: Fantastic
Visibility: 80′ +
Water Temp: 80 degrees
Notes: The current was back to normal direction and moving enough so that very little kicking was needed. We found a couple nurse sharks settling in for a nap, and a green sea turtle on its morning commute. Thanks to Eric and the Braun family for joining us, and we hope to see you again soon. Stay Salty!

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