Dive One
Site: Punta Tunich
Max Depth: 64 feet
Dive Time: 46 minutes
Key Animals: Green Moray, schools of glassy sweepers
Weather: Mostly blue skies
Visibility: 100+ feet
Water Temp: 80 degrees
Notes: Scott was back for dive three of the afternoon plus we added a few divers from a shop in Tulum, and Yui makes her first appearance on our boat. Together we all got to enjoy the strong currents at Punta Tunich. The moray was in his usual home with the glassy sweepers.
Dive Two
Site: Villa Blanca Wall
Max Depth: 65 feet
Dive Time: 46 minutes
Key Animals: Loggerhead turtle
Weather: Beautiful
Visibility: 100+ feet
Water Temp: 80 degrees
Notes: Mr. T is back! Need we say more about this dive?! The biggest loggerhead turtle you’ll ever see joined us for this dive, and it was good seeing him as it had been a long time.
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