Captain: Shore Dive
Divemaster / Instructor: Aries
Weather: Partly Cloudy skies
Water Temperature: 78 degrees
Dive One
Site: Tikila
Max Depth: 26 feet
Dive Time: 26 minutes
Key Animals: Squid
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: We had Christian and Malcolm off the shore for their first dive of class. Immediately upon entering there was a school of squid hanging out just in front of us. What a great welcome to our students! Unfortunately there were swirling currents and surge and we had to call it early. A good learning experience for the students, though, as every fought the currents swimming into the shoreline.
Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Henry
Weather: Partly Cloudy skies
Water Temperature: 78 degrees
Dive One
Site: C-53 Felipe Xicotencatl
Max Depth: 70 feet
Dive Time: 46 minutes
Key Animals: Glassy Sweepers, Green Moray
Visibility: 60 – 80 feet
Notes: Jose and his daughter were wanting to do a wreck dive, so we descended upon the C-53. Visibility wasn’t the best as the island has had strange currents all day, but gave us no problems on this dive. Our friend the green moray was hanging out on top of the deck, and everyone enjoyed the schooling glassy sweepers at the entrance to the hallway. After a few “Titanic” photos off the bow we moved to the patch reefs to enjoy the colors of the reef.
Dive Two
Site: Paradise
Max Depth: 27 feet
Dive Time: 35 minutes
Key Animals: Lobsters, Channel Crabs, Octopus
Visibility: Torches
Notes: On the second dive of the twilight package we dropped into Paradise Reef just after sunset. Back rolling in I noted no current at all, and that should have worried me. 10 minutes into the dive and we were swimming into a current. I was about to turn the dive around and drift with the current when it turned on us and started pushing us into shore. After spinning twice more on us it pushed our group of divers to the surface. We all agreed to call it a dive – no point in fighting the current.
Heteroconger longissimus, the Brown Garden eel, often found off the bow of the C-53.
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