Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Alex
Weather: Partly cloudy but calm seas
Water Temperature: Still hovering at 79 degrees
Dive One
Site: Palancar Gardens
Max Depth: 60 feet
Dive Time: 55 minutes
Key Animals: Spotted Moray, Queen Triggerfish
Visibility: 80-100 feet
Notes: Celine and Jakob were newly certified divers arriving to us from Tulum, so we didn’t want to get to crazy with them today. It was good to have Pam and Bryan back with us as well, and since Pam prefers no strong drifts we felt the tried and trusty Palancar Gardens was a good bet – and we were right! Alex led our divers around the famous pinnacles of Palancar and through a few canyons and swim-throughs. At the top of the reef a large school of horse-eye jacks circles us as we spotted a sleeping basket starfish.
Dive Two
Site: Yucab Reef
Max Depth: 50 feet
Dive Time: 63 minutes
Key Animals: Splendid Toadfish, Black Grouper
Visibility: 80-100 feet
Notes: Off to Yucab Reef for dive two of the afternoon. We were greeted with the typical gentle current of Yucab – perfect! I went to work right away to locate our new divers the endemic toadfish of Cozumel and it wasn’t long before we had our new divers ticking that checkbox. Oceanic Triggerfish schools were swimming on the highway heading south in large numbers. Henry spotted us a lettuce sea slug.
Balistes vetula, but more commonly know by the name of Queen Triggerfish.
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