Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Ray
Weather: Rained in the morning, but cleared up for a great afternoon of diving
Water Temperature: 79 degrees… still
Dive One
Site: Villa Blanca Wall
Max Depth: 60 feet
Dive Time: 45 minutes
Key Animals: Rainbow Parrotfish, Pufferfish, French Angels in all color phases
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: Rowane is finishing her open water diver training so we plan to go to this beautiful wall, full of sponges and fish, what was a highlight is the big rainbow parrot fish we find in this reef, its colors are so pretty, a few puffer fish were there too, a couple hiding under the sponges and a couple more swimming free the way they swim with the pectoral fins looks very cute, also the french angel fish in this area are really big, it is plenty of them here, I always enjoy this dive is very colorful, Rowane completed the skills successfully, like a mermaid!
Henry here… I jumped on for dive one to lead my good friend Amanda on her first dive in Cozumel. She’s on her honeymoon from Australia so it’s great having her here for a few days. We dropped down to 80 feet at the start, but ear troubles for Amanda had us rise to 60 feet, which is still great diving on this wall. Deep sea gorgonians are plentiful, mixed with sponges of all colors, and the Sargassum Triggerfish is so popular here. A great 62 minute dive to welcome Amanda to Cozumel.
Dive Two
Site: Abrigo Wall
Max Depth: 60 feet
Dive Time: 45 minutes
Key Animals: Spotted Eagle Ray, Spotted moray, Splendid Toadfish
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: Rowane is almost done one more dive and certified!, this place is perfect, slow current, nice vis, and hey! There is a spotted eagle ray! A couple of spotted eels and at the end we found the splendid toad fish,can you ask for more? Mask removal put it back on, safety stop, new certified diver! Congratulations Rowane, all the fish were witness.
Aetobatus narinari, the Spotted Eagle Ray, forages upon a reef.
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