Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Ray / Henry
Weather: Perfect day for diving!
Water Temperature: 79 degrees
Dive One
Site: Palancar Caves
Max Depth: 40 feet / 80 feet
Dive Time: 37 minutes / 61 minutes
Key Animals: Hawksbill Turtles, Squid, Finger Coral
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: Palancar caves is a spot for certified divers and beginners alike, this time Roberto y Ongjac experienced diving for the first time ever, lucky them to visit Cozumel, we used a buoy and a line to descend, it worked out perfect, only a few feet below the surface a sea turtle approached us, way to go huh? I love when i see the smiles underwater of my students, they were looking all over the place and we found a couple of squids, i am still impressed how good and comfortable they were in the water, another turtle showed almost at the end of the dive, when we surfaced the comments about the deep blue and the coral formations did not wait, especially the finger coral that gives life to this particular spot, cool!
Henry here… I have Amanda and Elie diving within the caves and pinnacles that are so plentiful at this dive site. Amanda spotted three turtles but I saw just one. I was too busy searching all the nooks and crannies of the coral formations for something odd or interesting. Elie followed closely behind with his GoPro filming everything.
Dive Two
Site: Casa Blanca
Max Depth: 40 feet / 55 feet
Dive Time: 45 minutes / 67 minutes
Key Animals: Octopus with eggs, sleeping Nurse Shark, several Hawksbill turtles
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: Here we are again, we want to keep track of the progress of Mama octopus, the current was mild and easy to let us stay with the certified divers Amanda and Eli, Henry was in charge of the video footage, ten minutes into the dive and we found the octopus , still in the same cave and the babies are not born yet, we can see the eyes inside the eggs, awesome ! then we found the sea turtle, a big one, Eli and Amanda were close to it, perfect for the video, we all made a circle around the shark who swim close by, nice! Robert, Ongjac and me end up the dive feeling grateful for those minutes underwater, hand shake, good job guys!
We see the watchful eye of the female Caribbean Reef Octopus (Octopus briareus) as she safeguards her eggs until they hatch. Note how you can see the unhatched octopus inside each egg.
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