Captain: Domingo
Divemaster / Instructor: Ray / Frazier
Weather: Hot! But sunny and good for diving!
Water Temperature: 79 degrees
Dive One
Site: Colombia Shallows
Max Depth: 28 feet / 10 feet
Dive Time: 67 minutes / 25 minutes
Key Animals: Nurse Shark, Hawksbill turtle
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: We welcomed Jill, Skeeter, and Craig back after a 3 month hiatus. Rob was on his first dive in 18 years and all seemed like they had been in the water for the past 2 weeks straight. A juvenile nurse shark 5 minutes into the dive welcomed everyone to Columbia. From there the crystal clear viability didn’t fail to impress a gorgeous hour plus dive to start the week. ~ Frazier
I fixed a line with the buoy and a couple of weights so we can hold to it for a slow controlled descend, our young diver Skyler geared up with a 63 cf tank in the water, mask on and go, fish all over, a big school of ocean trigger fish was passing thru, the queen angel seems to be Skyler’s favorite, but wait, a couple of yellow spotted rays showed up, now we get confused, what’s more attractive? OK that question is on the air, should i say on the water? We need to finish the dive so we can go snorkel at el cielo with the rest of the family. ~ Ray
Dive Two
Site: Palancar Gardens
Max Depth: 47 feet / 20 feet
Dive Time: 52 minutes / 35 minutes
Key Animals: Blacktip Shark, Hawksbill Turtle
Visibility: 100+ feet
Notes: To follow up an awesome dive one we took a 30 min surface interval at El Cielo, leaving the kids speechless. The only thing better would be getting Skyler her first turtle underwater. Mission accomplished. To end the dive a juvenile reef shark greeted us at 30′ and cruised beside as we rode the reef. ~ Frazier
After surface interval at el cielo, Palancar Gardens seems to be the ideal spot for second dive, shallow and full of marine life, schools of blue chromis at only 20ft, then the blue tangs, Skyler wanted to find a sea turtle and here we have it in front of us, a few family pictures and then we stop at this big coral head to see a yellow tail damsel fish juvenile with those neon spots, beautiful little guy, when we surface with Craig we all agree on the same word, awesome dive! ~ Ray
Holacanthus ciliaris, the Queen Angelfish, in juvenile coloration. The colors pop in the shallow waters of Colombia Shallows.
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