Ready for a Refresh of Skills?
If you’re feeling a bit out of practice with scuba diving, don’t worry! The Scuba Refresher program is designed to help you brush up on your knowledge and skills. Now’s the perfect time to get back in the water and enjoy your favorite activity again. Our SSI/PADI dive professionals will help you get back in the water with ease and enjoyment. It’s a fast and simple approach to ensure you’re ready for your next SSI program or get prepared for your upcoming dive trips with us.
Cozumel offers some of the best diving in the entire Caribbean and our reefs are healthy. Constant currents sweeping up the Yucatan straight are majorly responsible for our vibrant reef system. While drifting along our reefs and walls are an exhilarating experience, its best enjoyed when you are confident about your basic diving skills. An unprepared diver in currents can be a serious safety risk for himself/herself and the entire dive group.

Who Needs a Scuba Skills Update?
We strongly recommend the Scuba Refresher program for the below category of certified divers:
- Newly certified divers or less experienced divers, i.e. less than 25 logged dives, and have not dived in the last 12 – 24 months.
- Experienced divers, i.e. more than 25 logged dives and have not dived in the last 24 months.
Skills Covered in the Scuba Skills Update
- Refresh Written Exam on Theory
- All Open Water skills including…
- Scuba equipment orientation and assembly.
- Buoyancy Check with a Total Diving System
- Controlled Descent
- Mask Clearing
- Regulator Clearing (Purge and Exhale)
- Regulator Retrieval (Arm Sweep and Alternate)
- Stationary Air Sharing
- Neutral Buoyancy (Diving Position)
- Controlled Ascent With A Buddy
- Air Sharing Ascent
- Emergency Ascent Skills
Scuba Skills Update
* Prices listed are without Mexico IVA
When and where can I do it?
A scuba refresher can be done in our private pool and classroom. We strongly recommend you do the refresher a day before your first day of boat diving or continued education course dives.
- Morning Schedule – 8:30 am – 3pm
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Who Needs a Scuba Refresher?
We strongly recommend the Scuba Refresher program for the below category of certified divers:
- Newly certified divers or less experienced divers, i.e. less than 25 logged dives, and have not dived in the last 6 – 12 months.
- Experienced divers, i.e. more than 25 logged dives and have not dived in the last 12 – 24 months.
Skills Covered in the Scuba Refresher Program
- Scuba equipment orientation and assembly.
- Water entry procedure – as applicable.
- Underwater mask clearing skills – partial flood, full flood and remove & replace.
- Underwater Regulator retrieval and clearing skills – 2 methods.
- Buoyancy control practice.
1-Tank Refresh
* Prices listed are without Mexico IVA
When and where can I do it?
A scuba refresher can be done with a single tank shore dive from Tikila beach. We strongly recommend you do the refresher a day before your first day of boat diving or continued education course dives.
- Morning Schedule – 10 am to 12 am
- Afternoon Schedule – 3 pm to 5 pm
Scuba Skills Update
1-Tank Refresh
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Call from USA (312) 757 - 6167
From Mexico dial 987 - 119 - 3731
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