Meet the Staff of Salty Endeavors
The staff of Salty Endeavors is a fantastic mix of locals and legal foreign workers. Our goal when assembling the team has always been to acquire highly experienced divers and captains, that passionately love the ocean and their jobs, along with possessing a friendly disposition. We are very proud of the Salty Endeavors team, and we are pleased to introduce them here.
Henry C. Schultz, III
SSI Platinum Pro 5000 Instructor Trainer # 61484
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer #301795
Dive Professional Since 2008
As the owner of Salty Endeavors, Henry serves a jack-of-all-trades type role. He days often start at 5am delivering the tanks to the marinas for the day of diving. Additonally of course you’ll catch him in reservations, or equipment or boat repairs, and when lucky he’s teaching the next round of Open Water Instructors.

Francisco Mariscal
SSI Advanced Open Water Instructor #84080
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer #180938
Dive Professional Since 1993
Francisco aka “Pancho” serves double duty for us as both an Instructor and Divemaster, often times wearing both hats in the same day. Over 30 years of diving Cozumel daily has allowed him to accumulate over 20,000 dives in the Cozumel Marine Park.

Isidro Narvaez
PADI Divemaster # 43631
Dive Professional Since 1989
You will find Isidro on our boats most days still hammering out 500+ dives yearly even after 30 years in the industry. A day with Isi and you’ll see why he is our most requested Divemaster.
Guillermo Gutierrez
SSI Elite Divemaster Instructor #101900
PADI Open Water Instructor #418204
Dive Professional Since 2017
Guillermo, or “G” as we call him, spends most his days in our office where he co-manages our reservations and dive team schedule along with Laila and Ricardo. For lucky students we let G out of the office to teach as often as we can, and heads up our Divemaster Internship program. He also is our go-to for our equipment repair.

Freddy Pacheco
PADI Divemaster # 233648
Dive Professional Since 1998
Freddy is another of our Cozumel natives. He has worked both as a Divemaster and a Captain in Cozumel, but now is focused on the DM position with us. He is precise and detail oriented – perhaps somewhat odd for an islander hahaha!
Jose Orozco
SSI Advanced Open Water Instructor #97046
PADI Master Scuba Diver Trainer #390679
Dive Professional Since 2016
Jose aka “Coche” is our lead instructor for the team. Students often refer to him as havig been “born to teach scuba”. On off days when we have no studnets for him, we also let him Divemaster, of course. Jose is also very handy with a camera and many of our social media images come from his lens.

Eduardo Gonzalez
SSI Assistant Instructor # 109618
PADI Divemaster # 411888
Dive Professional Since 2018
You will find Eduardo on our boats most days as he averages about 800 dives for us per calendar year as one of our main Divemasters.
Martin Robertos
PADI Divemaster # 95559
Dive Professional Since 1995
Martin is another Cozumel native with 30+ years of professional Divemaster experience. He has a loyal folllowing of clients for good reason. Despite his long career he still loves helping young divers improve. His surface intervals are legendary for advice.
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