by Henry C Schultz | Aug 21, 2017 | Cozumel Fun Diving, Cozumel Marine Life
I’ve always been a big fan of the odd stuff in the ocean – in this case the longnose batfish. Sure, angelfish and butterfly fish are pretty to look at, but with them literally everywhere underwater it’s not exactly exciting to see dozens, maybe even...
by Henry C Schultz | Dec 28, 2016 | Cozumel Fun Diving, Scuba Education
“Thank you for saving my life. I will never forget you.” These were the words spoken to me earlier this week when one of my divers was heading home and had to say goodbye. At the time of the incident I didn’t think much of it – I was just...
by Henry C Schultz | Dec 10, 2016 | Cozumel Fun Diving, Cozumel Marine Life
I must admit, eagle rays are probably my favorite animal to see while scuba diving. Lucky for me, December in Cozumel marks the beginning of eagle ray season. The eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) gathers in large numbers on the northern side of Cozumel and stays in the...
by Henry C Schultz | Sep 21, 2016 | Cozumel Fun Diving, Cozumel Marine Life
Finding the Atlantic Guitarfish as far south as Cozumel is quite a welcome surprise. It’s head is stingray-like while it’s tail resembles a shark.
by Henry C Schultz | Jun 22, 2016 | Cozumel Fun Diving, Cozumel Marine Life
In Cozumel a common find during a night dive from the shore is the Sharptail Eel. These eels are of the Snake Eel family (Ophichthidae) and are always an enjoyable discovery. Not only are they highly decorated with white spots down the side of a...