This is a continuation of the PangeaSeed Sea Walls mural project completed in July 2015. If this is the first you are seeing of this on our blog might I suggest you start from page one.
16. This one is located in the mercado – the local market.
The more I look at this mural the more I really enjoy it.
Obviously from the number of photos this mural is quite large. It extends the width of 4 cars parking plus landscaping, to give you an idea.
17. I was able to capture this one in a single image. What an interesting design. This one really does deserve a long look. So much detail.
18. What comes to my mind when viewing this image? “Don’t touch the animals!” Hahaha.
19. This one was in a really tough spot to photograph. Leaning over a car, ducking under a canopy, trying to get get above the roof line… It is worth viewing in full view though, there is a ton of detail in that job. Like many of the murals, you have to look up and behind you to find it.
20. I had to climb a concrete bench to the top and then onto another pillar to try to avoid the fence as seen in the image below. If I didn’t climb that fence would have covered the entire image of both these images. Your welcome.
Thanks for viewing edition four. To move onto the next five (5) murals please follow this link, or use the map below to help you find your favorite murals.
Mural #16
Murals #17
Murals #18
Mural #19
Mural #20
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