Unser Scuba Blog

Top 3 Cozumel Hostels
What are the Top 3 Hostels in Cozumel? We get many questions about Cozumel hostels, so this seems like a great chance to discuss what we find to be the Top 3 hostels in Cozumel. These are our personal picks based on many years’ experiences, and it should be noted we...

Adult Only Resorts in Cozumel
Cozumel All Inclusive Adults Only Resorts Are you looking for the perfect Cozumel All Inclusive Adults Only resort? You have exactly two choices for adults only in Cozumel. Lets take a look at them! Cozumel is an island located in the Mexican Riviera Maya, just...

Nitrox Diving
What is Nitrox? If you have recently started scuba diving you have probably heard the word Nitrox, or perhaps seen it being used by other divers on your dive boats. Those yellow and green bands sure are hard to miss! So presumably by now you may have the question,...

Sunscape Sabor Cozumel
Sunscape Sabor Cozumel If you have you been looking to get away for a family vacation Sunscape Sabor Cozumel offers the perfect opportunity. Since the lockdown kept most of us landlocked at home, we know you are itching to get away. Why not consider a tropical...

COVID Testing in Cozumel
Do you have questions about the COVID testing in Cozumel? I have put together this brief summary to help ease your concerns. Covid Testing in Cozumel - Info Beginning on January 26, 2021 the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) will require a NEGATIVE test result for...

Enhance Your Diving Experience
Five Ways a Scuba Certification Can Enhance Your Overall Diving Experience Scuba diving is one of life’s greatest adventures, and if you’re interested in learning more and exploring further, a scuba certification may be a worthy investment. If you’re ready to take...

3-Year Anniversary Scuba Vacation Give-Away
𝑭𝒓𝒆𝒆 5-𝑫𝒂𝒚 𝑶𝒄𝒆𝒂𝒏𝒇𝒓𝒐𝒏𝒕 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒐𝒓𝒕 𝑺𝒕𝒂𝒚 𝑷𝒍𝒖𝒔 4 𝑫𝒂𝒚𝒔 𝒐𝒇 2-𝒕𝒂𝒏𝒌 𝑺𝒄𝒖𝒃𝒂 𝑫𝒊𝒗𝒊𝒏𝒈! To celebrate our new partnership with Suites Turquesa Cozumel and our 3-year anniversary Salty Endeavors is giving away a 5-night stay at the Suites Turquesa boutique oceanfront condo with 4 days...
Sea Walls Mural Cozumel 31-35
This is a continuation of the PangeaSeed Sea Walls mural project completed in July 2015. If this is your first you are seeing of this on our blog might I suggest you start from page one. 31. No plaque. 32. It reads as the following: "People ask why should I care about...

The Finishing Touches on Libra II
Editor's Note: This blog was originally written on October 30, 2017. I hesitated to post it then because the name change on the boat was not complete. I didn't want to jinx the process, or "ripple the water" if you will, so I resisted posting this blog until the name...

Daily Dive Log July 8 – 14, 2018
As we head into the heart of summer the water is starting to warm up nicely.The wet suits are coming off and all the divers and staying warm throughout their dives. Along with the warmer water comes coral growing at a rapid pace. Rapid, metaphorically speaking, of...

Cozumel Beaches & Best Cozumel Beach Club
What is the Best Cozumel Beach Club? Heading to one of the Cozumel beaches is a favorite way to off-gas for our scuba divers. I so often get asked about which Cozumel beach or beach club to go to. My guests ask me, "Henry, what is the best Cozumel beach club we should...

Daily Dive Log July 1 – 7, 2018
The foul weather cleared and we enjoyed a great week of diving. You can tell the slow season is trickling in upon us as our twice and thrice daily boats are now down to once daily on most days. Doesn't matter to us - we are still going diving! This week features a few...

Daily Dive Log June 24 – 30, 2018
We saw a great week of diving to finish up June. We saw some repeat divers with Tommy and crew, added a bunch more new scuba divers, and welcomed a dozen girls from a Girl Scout troop for their first ever ocean dives. Along the way we saw many of the usual animals but...

Daily Dive Log June 17 – 23, 2018
Sorry for the delay between our blog updates. I'll take the blame for that. With the birth of my daughter life got a bit more involved. But to be honest I was also making lots of website upgrades and dedicating my available remaining time in that direction. With most...

Palancar Reef – Epic Dives of Cozumel
Palancar Reef is without a doubt the most requested dive of our visitors. On most days we ask our divers where they want to go, and normally each day we get at least one diver that hollers out, "Palancar!" This always leads the next question - which one? As we tell...

Daily Dive Log June 10 – 16, 2018
This week was a great week of diving as we welcomed Scott and Janessa into the world scuba diving, and by the end of the trip they were both fully hooked. We completed their Open Water class, their Nitrox class, and their first ever night dive. Great going guys! We...

Daily Dive Log June 3 – 9, 2018
June 3, 2018 PM Boat Trip Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Sunny blue skies - great for training! Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Paradise Reef Max Depth: 40 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Spotted eel, Yellowhead Jawfish...

Daily Dive Log May 27 – June 2, 2018
We had a great week of diving despite less than ideal conditions early in the week. It seemed to be the week of the seahorse as Ray was spotting them at an unusually high clip this week.It was great to see old friends Nick and family again, make some new dive buddies,...

Daily Dive Log May 20 – 26, 2018
Welcome to the new Daily Dive Log I'm trying something a little bit different with the daily dive log moving forward. I am going to post the daily dive log in blocks of Sunday - Saturday. One of the goals is to lighten the load of emails to our subscribers. Because we...

May 19, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Cantrell Max Depth: 100 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Snapper, Spanish Lobster Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: The afternoon drift was...

May 19, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Caracolillo Max Depth: 100 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Nurse Shark, Blacktip Shark Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: With advanced...

May 18, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Willy Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Scattered showers Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Barracuda Wall Max Depth: 100 feet Dive Time: 40 minutes Key Animals: Green Sea Turtle, Southern Stingray Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: Captain Domingo...

May 17, 2018 NT Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Cloudy and cool evening Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Villa Blanca Max Depth: 60 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Octopus, Batfish Visibility: Torch light Notes: Jessica was very excited...

May 17, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Scattered showers 🙁 Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Pinnacles Max Depth: 80 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Green turtle, Hawksbill turtle, Permit Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: The...

May 17, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Variable showers Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Colombia Deep Max Depth: 100 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Green Turtle, Barracuda Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: We started right off the...

May 14, 2018 NT Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Rainy 🙁 Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Villa Blanca Max Depth: 50 feet Dive Time: 60 minutes Key Animals: Octopus, Spanish Lobster, baby Boxfish Visibility: Torch light Notes: As soon as the sun...

May 14, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Rainy 🙁 Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Site Name Max Depth: Dive Depth Dive Time: Dive Time Key Animals: Animals Visibility: Visibility Notes: Small group this morning, ready to have pictures from...

May 13, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Rainy, but the family is in great spirits! Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Caves Max Depth: 40 feet Dive Time: 35 minutes Key Animals: Christmas Tree Worms, Oceanic Triggerfish Visibility:...

May 13, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Mostly sunny Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Gardens Max Depth: 80 feet Dive Time: 43 minutes Key Animals: Spotted Eagle Ray, Barracuda, Hawksbill Turtle Visibility: 100+ feet...

May 11, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Henry / Ray Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Colombia Max Depth: 92 feet Dive Time: 52 minutes Key Animals: Ornate Elyscia, Lined Sole Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: After Ray had...

May 10, 2018 PM / NT Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Mixed rain and sun Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Colombia Max Depth: 70 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Frogfish!! Hawksbill and Green Turtles Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: Riley and...

May 9, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Henry Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees (where did my 80 go?) Dive One Site: Montanas Max Depth: 50 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Octopus with eggs, Nurse Shark Visibility: Varying, 40 -...

May 9, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Henry Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 80 degrees Dive One Site: Casa Blanca Max Depth: 55 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Caribbean Octopus, Nurse Shark, Hawksbill Turtle Visibility: 100+ feet...

May 8, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Shore dive Divemaster / Instructor: Henry Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Las Casitas Max Depth: 30 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Scorpionfish, Yellowspot Stingray, Trumpetfish Visibility: 80 - 100 feet...

May 8, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Henry Weather: Water a little rough from swirling winds, but bright and sunny Water Temperature: 80 degrees - for a few minutes of dive one. Still, I'm going with it. Dive One Site: Yucab Reef Max Depth: 50 feet Dive Time: 50...

May 7, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray / Frazier Weather: Hot! But sunny and good for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Colombia Shallows Max Depth: 28 feet / 10 feet Dive Time: 67 minutes / 25 minutes Key Animals: Nurse Shark, Hawksbill...

May 5, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray / Henry Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Caves Max Depth: 40 feet / 80 feet Dive Time: 37 minutes / 61 minutes Key Animals: Hawksbill Turtles, Squid, Finger Coral...

May 3, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Rained in the morning, but cleared up for a great afternoon of diving Water Temperature: 79 degrees... still Dive One Site: Villa Blanca Wall Max Depth: 60 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Rainbow...

May 2, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Bricks Max Depth: 80 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Blue Chromis, several Hawksbill Turtles, Southern Stingray Visibility:...

May 1, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Alex Weather: Partly cloudy but calm seas Water Temperature: Still hovering at 79 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Gardens Max Depth: 60 feet Dive Time: 55 minutes Key Animals: Spotted Moray, Queen Triggerfish Visibility:...

A Tale of Two Tails
I think it is fair to say that most marine fish which inhabit coral reefs are generally colorful to some form or another. Be it solid colors, stripes, or spots - all 7 colors of the rainbow are boldly represented on the fish and reefs of Cozumel. However, as a...

April 27, 2018 PM Dive Log
Flat ocean and crystal clear water, Scott family gets on board at one of the hotels in the south, 2 minutes later we are at the Santa Rosa wall, gear up! It is time to dive, Jesse backroll first, mask in the water, amazing view of the drop off wall, Jangmi slowly descends, Sarah quickly reaches 80ft and glide with the current, swim-throughs, exiting one of them there is a splendid toadfish, before another there is a turtle, once we see the shallow reef a big school of horse eye jacks, it is a fantastic dive, as always.

April 26, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Henry / Ray Weather: Perfect morning for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Tikila Max Depth: 40 feet Dive Time: 82 minutes Key Animals: Spotted Scorpionfish, Juvenile High Hat Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: I...

April 25, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Gardens Max Depth: 70 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Channel Clinging Crab Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: This afternoon we are...

April 24, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Spotty showers but otherwise mostly sunny Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Pinnacles Max Depth: 70 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Hawksbill turtle, Barracuda, Rainbow Parrotfish...

April 24, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Mostly sun, breezy, but hot! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Colombia Bricks Max Depth: 80 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Garden eels Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: Far south we are heading,...

April 23, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: 88 and sunny - feels like summer already Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Horseshoe Max Depth: 100 feet Dive Time: 60 minutes Key Animals: Eagle Ray, Hawksbill Turtle, Southern Stingray...

April 22, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Henry / Ray Weather: Perfect day to head far south Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Devil's Throat Max Depth: 125 feet Dive Time: 40 minutes Key Animals: Giant Channel Crab Visibility: 100+ feet outside the throat...

April 5, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Ray Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 79 degrees Dive One Site: Palancar Caves Max Depth: 60 feet Dive Time: 49 minutes Key Animals: Black Coral, Conch Hawksbill Turtle Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: Bumpy...

April 1, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Aries Weather: Perfect day for diving! Water Temperature: 78 degrees Dive One Site: Paradise Max Depth: 38 feet Dive Time: 37 minutes Key Animals: Squid, Scorpionfish Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: We entered Paradise reef as a...

March 30, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Miguel Divemaster / Instructor: Aries Weather: Beautiful Caribbean Spring afternoon Water Temperature: 78 degrees Dive One Site: San Francisco Wall Max Depth: 40 feet Dive Time: 40 minutes Key Animals: Peacock Flounder, Spotted Scorpionfish, Southern stingray...

March 29, 2018 PM / NT Dive Log
Captain: Shore Dive Divemaster / Instructor: Aries Weather: Partly Cloudy skies Water Temperature: 78 degrees Dive One Site: Tikila Max Depth: 26 feet Dive Time: 26 minutes Key Animals: Squid Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: We had Christian and Malcolm off the shore for...

March 28, 2018 AM Dive Log
Captain: Domingo Divemaster / Instructor: Aries Weather: Beautiful day in Cozumel Water Temperature: 77 degrees Dive One Site: Punta Tunich Max Depth: 60 feet Dive Time: 48 minutes Key Animals: Spotted Eagle Ray. Hawksbill Turtle, Lionfish Visibility: 100+ feet...

March 26, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Punta Tunich Max Depth: 64 feet Dive Time: 46 minutes Key Animals: Green Moray, schools of glassy sweepers Weather: Mostly blue skies Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: Scott was back for dive three of the afternoon plus we added a few...

March 26, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Santa Rosa Wall Max Depth: 75 feet Dive Time: 48 minutes Key Animals: 3 huge permit, wall of huge barrel sponges Weather: Lower 80's blue skies, another great day for diving! Visibility: 100+ Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: I had the chance to dive with...

March 25, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Palancar Bricks Max Depth: 87 feet Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Blackcap Basslets, Queen Angels Weather: It's Cozumel! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 79 degrees Notes: We had a full boat today with the Parson group back on the boat plus Paige...

March 23, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Palancar Gardens Max Depth: 70 feet Dive Time: 37 minutes Key Animals: Large Black Grouper, free roaming lobster Weather: Lower 80's and most sunny Visibility: 80+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: Celso and Kate got the boat to themselves today and...

March 24, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Colombia Max Depth: 75 feet Dive Time: 49 minutes Key Animals: Southern stingray, Wormfish Weather: Great day for diving! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 79 degrees Notes: It was nice to welcome the Parson's back to the boat and we did so properly -...

March 23, 2018 NT Dive Log
Night Dive Site: Chankanaab Max Depth: 45 feet Dive Time: 38 minutes Key Animals: Dogface Puffer, octopus, crabs everywhere! Weather: Getty chilly Visibility: Clear Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: Celso was getting cold on their 3rd dive of the day, but Chankanaab was...

March 22, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Palancar Gardens Max Depth: 72' Dive Time: 50 minutes Key Animals: Spotted eagle ray, spotted scorpionfish Weather: Windy Visibility: +100' Water Temp: 79° Notes: We had the privilege of taking Kumiko & Ben, Dave, Rick, George, and Bob out for a...

March 21, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Colombia Bricks Max Depth: 75 feet Dive Time: 51 minutes Key Animals: Garden Eels, school of barracuda, blackcap basslets Weather: Everything we love about Cozumel! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: After a week of diving with Preston...

March 18, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Francesa Reef Max Depth: 56 ft Dive Time: 56 Minutes Key Animals: Hawksbill turtle, Green moray Weather: Sunny Visibility: +80 ft Water Temp: 80° F Notes: We spent the morning honing Wen's buoyancy skills, while Ray took Preston out for some fun...

March 19, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Dalila Max Depth: 59 ft Dive Time: 65 Minutes Key Animals: Splendid toadfish, Lionfish, Weather: Fantastic Visibility: +100 ft Water Temp: 80° F Notes: Preston had the morning boat all to himself for a couple long, fun dives. Current was mild, but...

March 17, 2018 AM/PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Santa Rosa Shallows Max Depth: 52' Dive Time: 48 Minutes Key Animals: Two spotted eagle rays, Peacock flounders Weather: Sunny Visibility: 100' + Water Temp: 78 degrees Notes: It was a perfect day to teach confined water, as well as the first two open...

March 16, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Paso del Cedral Wall Max Depth: 90 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Weather: Excellent Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Dive Two Site: San Francisco Max Depth: 56 feet Dive Time: 62 minutes Key Animals: Weather: Excellent Visibility:...

March 14, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Paradise Reef Max Depth: 40' Dive Time: 39 Minutes Key Animals: Spotted moray, Caribbean spiny lobster Weather: Fantastic Visibility: 80' + Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: I had the privilege of showing, Eric (from CA), some Cozumel diving by way of...

March 13, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: San Francisco Wall Max Depth: 60' Dive Time: 42 Minutes Key Animals: Nurse shark, peacock flounder, cubera snapper, Weather: Partly Cloudy Visibility: 80'+ Water Temp: 78 degrees Notes: It was overcast, but still a good day to show Mike (my Open Water...

March 12, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Chankanaab Max Depth: 40 feet Dive Time: 54 minutes Key Animals: Schools of Grunts and Jacks Weather: The day started out perfectly Visibility: For Chankanaab it was surprisingly good, at least over 60+ feet Water Temp: 78. What happened to my 80?...

March 11, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Cedral Pass Max Depth: 56' Dive Time: 37 minutes Key Animals: Green moray, hawksbill turtle, octopus, nurse shark Weather: Sunny Visibility: 60' Water Temp: 79 degrees Notes: Great morning for Ray to guide Tanya and Bruce on their final trip. I started...

March 9, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Palancar Caves Max Depth: 90 feet Dive Time: 48 minutes Key Animals: Hawksbill turtle, southern stingray, great barracuda Weather: Partly cloudy Visibility: 80+ feet Water Temp: 78° Fahrenheit / 25° Celsius Notes: Final day with the Stahl family, and...

March 8, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Colombia Normals Max Depth: 86 feet Dive Time: 47 minutes Key Animals: Southern stingray, green moray, hogfish, garden eels, nurse shark Weather: Fantastic! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 79 degrees Notes: It was my second day with the Stahl family...

March 7, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Cedral Pass Max Depth: 66 feet Dive Time: 49 minutes Key Animals: Three Hawksbill turtles, green moray, octopus, splendid toadfish Weather: Fantastic! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 79 degrees Notes: It was Ray's second day with Bruce and Tanya, and...

March 6, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Santa Maria Max Depth: 100+ feet Dive Time: 51 minutes Key Animals: Eagle Ray, Green moray Weather: Another beautiful day! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: Afternoon dives are so nice and relaxing, not many divers in Santa María reef,...

Scuba Blog Cozumel | March 1, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Palancar Gardens Max Depth: 70 feet Dive Time: 36 minutes Key Animals: Everything! Weather: Cozumel Perfect 🙂 Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: Had a great afternoon of diving with the Brehm family! Ray conducted a second day of...

March 28, 2018 PM Dive Log
Captain: Luis Divemaster / Instructor: Aries Weather: Perfect day for diving Water Temperature: 77 degrees Dive One Site: Montanes Max Depth: 57 feet Dive Time: 49 minutes Key Animals: Octopus, Splendid Toadfish, Nurse Shark Visibility: 100+ feet Notes: Mild clear...

February 27, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Las Palmas Wall Max Depth: 98 feet Dive Time: 49 minutes Key Animals: Two spotted eagle rays, Goliath grouper Weather: Fantastic! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: Great group of divers on our afternoon trip. Congratulations, Jane!...

February 28, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Palancar Caves Max Depth: 80 feet Dive Time: 45 minutes Key Animals: Black-cap Basslets in the swim-throughs Weather: 84 degrees mostly sunny Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees - it's warming up! Notes: It was the final day of diving for the...

February 27, 2018 NT Dive Log
Dive One Site: Yucan Max Depth: 45 feet Dive Time: 55 minutes Key Animals: Hawksbill and Green Sea Turtles, lobsters, channel clinging crabs Weather: Amazing Visibility: Flashlights Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: Rachel and Nate completed their night adventure dive at...

February 26, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Santa Rosa Max Depth: 80 feet Dive Time: 47 minutes Key Animals: Hawksbill, Eagle Ray Weather: 84 and sunny Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 80 degrees Notes: The morning trip divers aboard the MENTAL FLOSS included Rachel, Ty, Jason, Nathan, and Jane...

February 22, 2018 PM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Colombia Deep Max Depth: 90' Dive Time: 48 minutes Key Animals: Green moray, 2 hawksbill turtles, spotted eagle ray Weather: Perfect! Visibility: 100+ feet Water Temp: 79 degrees Notes: It was the last day of diving for Ellie, Allan, and Luke so we...

February 21, 2018 AM Dive Log
Dive One Site: Palancar Bricks Max Depth: 80 feet Dive Time: 55 minutes Key Animals: Huge barrel sponges, black coral, queen angel pair Weather: Windy Visibility: 50 feet Water Temp: 79 degrees Notes: Had some fun people on the boat today. Ellie, Allan, Luke, Eddie,...

January 12, 2018, A.M. Scuba Dive Log
I had the privilege of showing Faith and Sean, from Vermont, some of the best scuba diving Cozumel has to offer! Dive #1 was at "Montanas," aka "the Mountains", and I think we can safely say we reached the peak. Hopefully Sean will share some of the...

GoPro Camera Tray – Build Your Own Scuba Camera Mount
Henry here. Even though the author is listed as Erik, where he is about to introduce his DIY GoPro Camera Tray, I'm going to add bit of an introduction to his first writing for Salty Endeavors. Recently it seems one of the first "must-get" items for most new scuba...

Hunting Lionfish: Unleash Your Inner Warrior!
As an acting good steward to the reef and dive professional, hunting lionfish has turned into one of my favorite underwater activities. I used to only hunt in my free time, but recently an increasing number of guests have requested we provide it as an excursion....

Libra II Electrical Nearing Completion – Part 4
With Poison nearly complete with our fiberglass work it was time to move the boat to the mechanic which would perform a complete electrical system renewal. The boat itself is over 20 years old and by the looks of it the Libra II electrical system is still the original...

Libra II Under Construction, Part 3 – The Interior
That is a heck of a title image, eh? That is the boatyard where the Libra II is getting it's face lift. Bienvenidos Mexico! The boatyard belongs to a local gentleman named Juan, I think, no seriously... but he asks everybody to call him Poison. Yes, seriously. After...

Remodeling the Libra II, Part 2 – The Exterior
Once we were able to get the boat up onto the trailer and drag it off the launch it was time for the remodeling of the boat to begin. First things first, we had to clean the hull of any algae or encrusting sea life. This started with bleach getting sprayed onto the...

Boat Remodel – Updating the Libra II
The beginning of September on Cozumel usually marks the start of maintenance season in earnest, in particular the boat remodel projects everyone has been putting off. If boats need to be serviced September is generally the month it happens. This would be because it is...

Longnose Batfish at Playa Casitas
I've always been a big fan of the odd stuff in the ocean - in this case the longnose batfish. Sure, angelfish and butterfly fish are pretty to look at, but with them literally everywhere underwater it's not exactly exciting to see dozens, maybe even hundreds, on each...

Buoyancy Compensators Arrive to Salty Endeavors
New Buoyancy Compensators! It took a patient 6 months of waiting for our new buoyancy compensators to be made, shipped, and clear customs, but they are finally here. Look at that BC - isn't it sexy?! But better than just looking good, these jackets are...

New Roof Logo for the Boat
Salty Endeavors' New Boat Logo Our original intent was to purchase the boat and company near the start of slow season, essentially around June/July, and get it re-branded Salty Endeavors as soon as possible. Ultimately this would give us several months to "smooth out...

Hawaiian Sling – How to Build Your Own Holster
As a Divemaster I tend to carry a lot of excess gear during a dive, so adding a Hawaiian Sling to my kit wasn't high on my priority list. Besides the extra weights for under-weighted guests, on any given dive I also have my reel and surface marker buoy, my cutting...

The Towels have Arrived!
In our continuing quest to make your dive day with us as comfortable as possible we have now added microfiber towels to our boat. Each diver will be provided his/her own towel for use during the dive trip. These towels are ultra-absorbent and extremely lightweight....

Balanced Regulators Have Arrived!
We are excited to announce the arrival of brand new balanced regulators! To start the New Year right we decided we need to supply our divers with easy breathing, top-of-the-line diaphragm balanced regulators. Turn learn more about the differences of regulators give a...

The Tanks Came Rolling In
Our first upgrade of equipment was getting some new cylinders in stock. We were operating with around 20 cylinders of our own, and needing to rent the remainder from a local shop. This is an all-too-common scenario on the island, however, and when the high-season rolls in there is a shortage of available rental cylinders. Rather than fight this battle, we invested in 30 new 80cuft/18liter aluminum cylinders of our own

Just Doing My Job, Ma’am
"Thank you for saving my life. I will never forget you." These were the words spoken to me earlier this week when one of my divers was heading home and had to say goodbye. At the time of the incident I didn't think much of it - I was just dong my job. I put the...

Eagle rays are arriving to Cozumel!
I must admit, eagle rays are probably my favorite animal to see while scuba diving. Lucky for me, December in Cozumel marks the beginning of eagle ray season. The eagle ray (Aetobatus narinari) gathers in large numbers on the northern side of Cozumel and stays in the...

T-shirts for all!
This was more difficult than I expected! I started months ago and had test shirts made with 3 different companies before somebody finally got it right. Here we have Mariana modeling the front of the shirt. And Felipe modeling the back... Shirts are available in two...

Cozumel Turtle Nesting
Recently was the Cozumel Turtle Nesting season. We joined with the Cozumel Turtle Ecology Program to search and mark new nests.
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Wouldn't you rather be Salty?